
(📙Book) YouTube Vlogging The Complete Manual Aaron Asadi (Publishing Director)


YouTube Vlogging The Complete Manual Aaron Asadi

YouTube has revolutionised online video made it an interactive, personal and completely customisable experience. Whether you want to vlog about your beauty regime or share your music with the world, YouTube can cater to your creativity. The possibilities are endless so this guide is here to take you through the process, from choosing the right camera to promoting your vlog. YouTube stars Bing and Mippey5 also provide invaluable industry tips and impart their vlogging experiences. Enjoy the book!

The name says it all YouTube takes video consumption and makes it personal, interactive, and highly customisable. Celebrating its tenth anniversary this year, YouTube has revolutionised the online world. The video streaming site relies on user-generated content and is open to anyone, opening up a new kind of self-expression: vlogging.
Taken from the word blogging, online diary entries, which have been around since the rise of the internet in the Nineties, vlogging (now adopted in the Oxford English dictionary) is the act of recording news and opinions about a particular subject via video and publishing this recording online.

Welcome to

YouTube has revolutionised online video; made it an

interactive, personal and completely customisable

experience. Whether you want to vlog about your

beauty regime or share your music with the world,

YouTube can cater to your creativity. The possibilities

are endless so this guide is here to take you through

the process, from choosing the right camera to

promoting your vlog. YouTube stars Bing and

Mippey5 also provide invaluable industry tips and

impart their vlogging experiences.

Enjoy the book!

The Complete Manual




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