
(📙Book) YouTube Marketing Strategies How to get thousands of YouTube Channel subscribers and millions of video views with David Walsh John Tighe

YouTube Marketing Strategies - How to get thousands of YouTube Channel subscribers and millions of video views with David Walsh John Tighe

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YouTube Marketing Strategies
How to get thousands of YouTube
Channel subscribers and millions of
video views with David Walsh
John Tighe.

YouTube Marketing Strategies
Free Podcast: Publish Position Profit
Mission Statement for Publish Position Profit:
About the Author
Also by John Tighe

This short book is based on an interview I did with YouTube marketing expert
David Walsh. At the time of the interview David had built his YouTube Channel
to 44,306 subscribers in just 18 months! Meanwhile, his videos have had 4.4
million views and are bringing thousands of leads into David’s business.
And, of course, those numbers keep growing… As I type this David has already
hit the 47,000 subscriber mark and the interview was less than a month ago!
*** UPDATE, November 2015: David is now at 83,130 subscribers! That
means he’s consistently adding over 3,000 new subscribers every single month!
In this book David talks about how he’s created this success and powerfully
positioned himself by adding just one short video per week – and he explains
how you can do the same. He’s certainly got me fired up to build my YouTube
The original recording is 55 minutes long and if you want to listen to it you can
do so for free here:


About the Author
JOHN TIGHE is the bestselling author of "Crush It with Kindle" and host of the
top ranked business and marketing podcast "Publish Position Profit."
John is an online marketing expert, entrepreneur, speaker, business coach and
founder and CEO of the Strategic Positioning Press publishing house.
Before striking out on his own John had a career as a corporate lawyer, but
decided he wanted more from life.
Today, instead of being chained to his desk at a law firm, John works with
authors, experts and entrepreneurs from around the world helping them to
strategically position themselves so that they can rapidly grow their businesses
by attracting more of their ideal clients and by being able to charge what they are
truly worth.
John's mission is to help experts and entrepreneurs share their message with the
world so that they can build a successful business doing something they love,
live life on their terms and inspire others.

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